Saturday, August 13, 2011

Love God. Love People. Love Life

What is wrong with the world???
I just reached the land of frankfurter this morning; and I was amazed to know that summer is no longer here at this very time.
For my goodness sake, it's the 12th August 2011 and supposedly a bright sunny sun is present in frankfurt.
Seems like they have been long gone as rain comes by and filled the city.

I am sad coz I didn't expect that and there's no sweater for me this trip.
Only sleeveless and t-shirt and a sun-dress. Hohoho.....
I got up in the afternoon; made my way to Goethestrasse; stopped by my fav H shop and dropped by my double C boutique to get a nice clutch for my mom.

I've done my little shopping and I met my new friend, Jaime in front of the LV store.
Wow Wow Wow...What an exciting day!!!
I've been looking forward to meet her in frankfurt til we finally met.
I enjoyed her company very much; we talked non stop and decided to hang out in starbucks to talk more.
She's super hilarious; definitely a friend who could brighten up your day!!!

We finally met another filipino girl, named Catharina.
And again the chatting session in progress.
Time flies; we spent about 2 hours already before Miri came and greeted us.
We finally met Sylvi, Chichi, Zara and of course Lars.
We had dinner at Suvadee Thai Restaurant just right opposite Goethestrasse.
Yummiliciousss.... nyum nyum!!!!!

Girl power rocks!!!
I thank God for a new friend! It gives me energy and new spirit to learn people and to not give up in trusting people.

It's always FOOD FOOD and FOOD!!!
I love FOOD and it makes me happy!
Nothing more meaningful and memorable without the presence of fantastic food! =D

I am amazed at the blessings of God.
It keeps running and flowing in my life.
I love God, I love People and I love life.
Thank you Jesus!!!

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

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