Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why So Serious?!!

Hey you!
Life is not a bed of roses.
Its pretty depressing sometimes and it gets beautiful most times.
So what to do now!!!

Just be true to who you are, learn how to have fun while being serious at work, do things with all your heart and add in some level of spiciness, salt, sweet and bitter of life by encouraging one another  and also believing in miracles.

Agree with me?!!
I got very disturbed to see some people being too stressed out by work, they forgot how to have fun.
Some peeps had too many fun and they forgot how to be serious.
Yea life is all about balance.
I repeat again BALANCE.
That's the key of living an awesome life.

Whats up with my life lately!
I still cant believe my last visit to the LAKEWOOD church in Houston, texas the last week.
I have always been wanting to go there all my life and yea i made it!
Bishop T.D JAKES was in the house.
I stood in awe to experience the overpowering presence of God in da house.
It was truly an amazing blessing and i guess Houston would expect to see more of me in the future.
I am glad there's something to look forward to the next time i am making a way up to Houston.

I received a few hundred bucks voucher from a major credit card company (thanks to my spending).
And i bought an iPad mini for myself.
I have been using blackberry for the longest time and i miss out all the fun of Instagram and friends.
It's time to catch up, 70 followers in 4 days is not too bad; sounds like a good start eyyy.

So here i am replacing m macbookpro with small iPad mini.
It is pretty easy to carry due to its slim,sleek and lightweight body.
I could pack more in my cabin bag for traveling then.
And time wasted on Instagram is more  and more.
I need to sleep and me cant wait for the spring break of 2013.
Remember, balance is necessity.
Anything out of balance = out of order.
I have been working hard and guess what, the reward is coming sooner than i expected.

3 more days to spring vacation.

Sooo can't wait!!!!

-Lucky gal-

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Kekayaan, Kesuksesan dan Kasih Sayang

Suatu ketika, ada seorang wanita yang kembali pulang ke rumah, dan ia melihat ada 3 orang pria berjanggut yang duduk di halaman depan. Wanita itu tidak mengenal mereka semua.

Wanita itu berkata: "Aku tidak mengenal Anda, tapi aku yakin Anda semua pasti sedang lapar. Mari masuk ke dalam, aku pasti punya sesuatu untuk mengganjal perut".
Pria berjanggut itu lalu balik bertanya, "Apakah suamimu sudah pulang?"
Wanita itu menjawab, "Belum, dia sedang keluar".
"Oh kalau begitu, kami tak ingin masuk. Kami akan menunggu sampai suami mu kembali", kata pria itu.

Di waktu senja, saat keluarga itu berkumpul, sang isteri menceritakan semua kejadian tadi. Sang suami, awalnya bingung dengan kejadian ini, lalu ia berkata pada istrinya, "Sampaikan pada mereka, aku telah kembali, dan mereka semua boleh masuk untuk menikmati makan malam ini". Wanita itu kemudian keluar dan mengundang mereka untuk masuk ke dalam.

"Maaf, kami semua tak bisa masuk bersama-sama", kata pria itu hampir bersamaan.
"Lho, kenapa? tanya wanita itu karena merasa heran.
Salah seseorang pria itu berkata, "Nama dia Kekayaan," katanya sambil menunjuk seorang pria berjanggut di sebelahnya, dan "sedangkan yang ini bernama Kesuksesan, sambil memegang bahu pria berjanggut lainnya. Sedangkan aku sendiri bernama Kasih-sayang. Sekarang, coba tanya kepada suamimu, siapa diantara kami yang boleh masuk ke rumahmu."

Wanita itu kembali masuk kedalam, dan memberitahu pesan pria di luar. Suaminya pun merasa heran. "Ohho...menyenangkan sekali. Baiklah, kalau begitu, coba kamu ajak si KEKAYAAN masuk ke dalam. Aku ingin rumah ini penuh dengan Kekayaan."
Istrinya tak setuju dengan pilihan itu. Ia bertanya, "Sayangku, kenapa kita tak mengundang si KESUKSESAN saja? Sebab sepertinya kita perlu dia untuk membantu keberhasilan panen ladang pertanian kita."

Ternyata, anak mereka mendengarkan percakapan itu. Ia pun ikut mengusulkan siapa yang akan masuk ke dalam rumah. "Bukankah lebih baik jika kita mengajak si KASIH-SAYANG yang masuk ke dalam? Rumah kita ini akan nyaman dan penuh dengan kehangatan Kasih-sayang."

Suami-istri itu setuju dengan pilihan buah hati mereka. "Baiklah, ajak masuk si KASIH-SAYANG ini ke dalam. Dan malam ini, si KASIH-SAYANG menjadi teman santap malam kita."

Wanita itu kembali ke luar, dan bertanya kepada 3 pria itu. "Siapa diantara Anda yang bernama Kasih-sayang? Ayo, silahkan masuk, Anda menjadi tamu kita malam ini."
Si KASIH-SAYANG bangkit, dan berjalan menuju beranda rumah. Ohho..ternyata, kedua pria berjanggut lainnya pun ikut serta.
Karena merasa ganjil, wanita itu bertanya kepada si KEKAYAAN dan si KESUKSESAN. "Aku hanya mengundang si KASIH-SAYANG yang masuk ke dalam, tapi kenapa kamu berdua ikut juga?"

Kedua pria yang ditanya itu menjawab bersamaan. "Kalau Anda mengundang si KEKAYAAN, atau si KESUKSESAN, maka yang lainnya akan tinggal di luar. Namun, karena Anda mengundang si KASIH-SAYANG, maka, kemana pun Kasih-sayang pergi, kami akan ikut selalu bersamanya. Dimana ada Kasih-sayang, maka kekayaan dan Kesuksesan juga akan ikut serta.
Sebab, ketahuilah, sebenarnya kami berdua ini buta. Dan hanya si KASIH-SAYANG yang bisa melihat. Hanya dia yang bisa menunjukkan kita pada jalan kebaikan, kepada jalan yang lurus. Maka, kami butuh bimbingannya saat berjalan. Saat kami menjalani hidup ini."

1Corinthians 13:13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is Love.


Time is ticking; clock keeps moving and people growing.

But certain things remain the same.

Remember me; remember how I used to be and how I will be.

Name: HENY

Fav Color: YELLOW

Fav Season: SPRING

Fav Parents: JONNY & MERRY


Fav Cartoon: the crazy monster STITCH



Fav Subject in School: HISTORY

Fav Butter: salted ANCHOR

Fav Pastor: KEVIN LOO

Fav Footwear: WEDGE

Fav Musical:  Phantom of the Opera

Fav Eye Make Up Remover: Bi Facil lancome

Fav Face Cream: Creme de lamer

Fav Mascara: Hypnose Lancome

Fav Words: Kick you to the moon

Fav Artist: Vincent van Gogh

Fav Laptop: MacBook Pro

Fav Body Lotion: CETAPHIL

Fav Fragrance: JO MALONE nectarine and honey blossom

Fav Bday Gift of all times: 2004 Tifanny&Co Bracelet

Fav Person: KRISTY KOH

Fav Short break: BANGKOK

Fav Spa Fragrance: LEMONGRASS

Fav Juice: GUAVA

Fav Fruits: SEEDLESS red/green grapes

Fav Beer: CORONA

Fav Toys: BARBIE

Fav Lipstick Color: MAC CREMECUP

Fav Time of my life: UNI life in KL

Fav Phone: Stupid Blackberry; disappointing in every way but I love you full =D

Fav Verse: Psalms 23

Fav jeans: True Religion

Fav Sleeping style: top to toe covered with blanket (breathless but soundless zzz)

Fav BF and Husband: SANDY YUANDA

I'll see if I would be a change person 10 yrs later.

But as for the longest time; those things remain unchanged.

Signed and Sealed,


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Its so good to be me!

Say enough to all the dramas~

I am gonna come back stronger as ever.
Smiley and courageous as ever and hope to be more in all the good things.

Time to say big AU REVOIR and BYE BYE to the strong cold wind of winter.
Imma be STRONGER, BIGGER and POWERFUL welcoming spring.

I can't wait for the first day of all those flower blooms beautifully, leaves are greener and the trees looks bigger.

I am gonna start my healthy diet regime and exercise to live life to the fullest.
Ooww...and of coz no more of the sleepless nights again.
I wish to sleep beautifully and bountifully just like the sleeping beauty but I dont need a prince to wake me up.

NEW SEASON...NEW SPIRIT AND WATch me do it!!! >.<

Friday, March 1, 2013

Can't Sleep :(

Its one of those sleepless nights again.
I just got back from new york and you know the jetlag always win over me.
I am left sleepless again!
Day becomes night; night becomes day. What a life, really!!!

I have counted so many stars and all the chicken in the cage but yet the ooziness of deep sleep still remains a mystery.
I just can't sleep.
I started praying to God and asked Him if He knows what my dad is doing up there?
I really miss him so much.
I miss those places we went together, I talk to myself if I were to go those places again, would I be able to see dad?
Would I be able to talk with him again?
Would I be able to hold his hands and tap his shoulder again.
This loneliness has left me down for so many months.
It's really not easy to know the fact that he has gone and never will come back ever again.

Daddy... If you could hear me, please live a happy life up there.
I do miss our conversations, I miss the way you love us, I miss your good and kind heart but I know you are better off up there.
I really want to talk to you even only in a dream...
Please come and visit me when you get a chance, let me know that you are busy riding horses, picking up stars from the sky, gardening your beautiful flowers and enjoying your big palace with the sound of waterfall at the park outside.

And when you come to tell me those stories...I'll sleep beautifully and ready to conquer another great day.

Welcoming MARCH; the month where dreams come true.